Dijual Cepat Tower Ritz 4 Bedroom Apartemen Kemang Village Residence
Apartment Name: Kemang Village Residence
Location: Jl Pangeran Antasari no 36
Size: 205 m2
Bedroom: 4
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi Furnished
Swimming Pool
Connecting Acces to Lippo Mall Kemang
Additional Info:
Best Deal Best Price
Kemang Village Residence
Tower Ritz
Size 205m2
Private Lift
Harga Rp5,6Miliar
Kemang Village Residence KVR Sebuah kawasan super mewah di Jakarta Selatan
Ada 7 Tower Apartemen di Kemang Village Residence (KVR) dengan masing masing memiliki keunikan dan ciri khas masing masing 1. The Ritz KVR 2. The Tiffany KVR 3. The Cosmopolitan KVR 4. The Infinity KVR 5. The Intercon KVR 6. The Empire KVR 7. The Bloomington KVR
Lydia menjual semua tipe dan unit di kemang Village dengan berbagai pilihan unit terbaik dan tipe sesuai kebutuhan dengan harga yang bersaing